Guided Gently by Divine Breath

How can prayerfulness and mindfulness support me when I try something new? What does it feel like to receive guidance directly from the living Divine Presence?

I think I have been so caught up in some very earthly and materialistic issues this last month that I have barely felt the gentle breeze of the Divine carrying me in any direction. If you could have seen my to-do lists, you would choke on the control I am putting into my universe! Perhaps there are times that call for the hard direction of the tiller against the current, but I think it is time to feel the gentle breeze at my sail as well. I am taking a much-needed beak from the new (new State, house, neighborhood) and take some gentle time back in the familiar to catch my breath. To feel God's breath. To be guided by the Spirit and be mindful of its presence and its purpose.


Where is the Divine in the Frustrations of Life?


Read Those Signs and Weep?