The Spirit Will Lead You, Guide You, Push You, And Open The Way For You
January 15, 2023
From the new book, PRESENCE Recognizing the Divine in Your Everyday Life
by Mary G. Jackson
(Photo by Katie Safley for Quechua Benefit)
As I was writing PRESENCE Recognizing the Divine in Your Everyday Life, I came upon some ideas that seemed to form a foundation for my experience of the Divine. I called these philosophical and spiritual ideas, Concepts. Currently there are 22 concepts that have become the framework upon which PRESENCE is built.
Let’s explore the tenth concept, The Spirit will lead you, guide you, push you, and open the way for you. How many times have you been in the dark place of ashes, the place that seems so empty? The significance of this concept is powerful. We don’t always know when something will become good for us. Sometimes we have to be shown the way. Sometimes we have to be pushed toward discovering our best outcome. In my book I speak of a number of times things turned so sour in my life, or fear paralyzed me, or the unknown kept me stuck. Each time it became clear that Spirit wanted me to go in a certain direction. The way may have become blocked, or it may have opened wide with a gentle push to go forward. When have you let the Divine take over in times of uncertainty or despair? Have you taken the step forward if you were handed the invitation?