23rd Psalm: I Shall Not Want


This line is declaring the first thing we receive from our divine shepherd – we are given everything we could ever desire or need, there is no lack of anything.

If there were a dividing line in our nature, one compelling difference would come from a sense of abundance versus a sense of scarcity. Consider the wonderful ways in which coming from abundance affects us. If you have plenty of something, you have no concerns or worries and you are generous about giving away what you have to others who might be in need. You easily become loving, generous, caring, and the best of yourself. Imagine yourself believing, “I shall not want.” How would that affect your life, your spiritual journey, and the world around you?

This is the great gift of the good shepherd, giving you all so you do not have to want.


The 23rd Psalm: Green Pastures, Still Waters, Restored Soul


The Lord is my Shepherd