How Do You Recognize the Divine?


We mostly accept that two people who witness the same event will describe it differently. We are aware that siblings may describe their parents differently. But when many religions teach of ONE God, does it cross your mind that perhaps that "knowing" may be unique to each and every child of God?

Your relationship with God may have some commonalities with the relationship with your very best friend. Your friend may be unimportant or even unknown to other people you know. However, that person may be the most important person on Earth to you.

God's Spirit may also be in relationship with you in a unique and singular way. Just as you know your closest friends like no one else knows them, you can know God in ways that only you recognize. 

You may ask yourself, "How do I know when Spirit is present? How and when has God been in my life? How do I know when I recognize the Divine? By what name do I call the Spirit which passes through all things?

Join our waiting list for the next class to open and explore your thoughts with wonderful people asking the same questions.


Everyday Gifts from God


Original Blessing— The Starter for Your Spiritual Path