Your Life Is Constantly Filled With The Presence Of The Divine

As I was writing PRESENCE Recognizing the Divine in Your Everyday Life, I came upon some ideas that seemed to form a foundation for my experience of the Divine. I called these philosophical and spiritual ideas, Concepts. Currently there are 22 concepts that have become the framework upon which PRESENCE is built.

We are exploring the third concept, Your life is constantly filled with the presence of the Divine. We will be looking more deeply into how you can look for and recognize the Divine in both old and new places. Think about it. Draw pictures of it. Sing about it Pray for it. Talk about it. Write about it. Fortunately, we have some help in finding God. .

Deep within us is a reservoir, hidden from the world and sometimes even hidden from ourselves. It is filled from the Source that fills all our reservoirs, and it never runs dry. I is a deep well that offers to quench our thirst if we allow ourselves to drink. We can ignore it if we wish, or we can sip from it selectively. If we ask, it cools and comforts us. If we give it permission, it shows us who we are, where we come from, and where we are going. (Excerpt from Barry Morley’s unpublished work, Language of  God.)

Ponder for a moment the profound impact expressed in the idea of having this deep reservoir within you. What is a reservoir? Let’s use it as a symbol of our spiritual state. A reservoir is designed to hold water. That water is often used as a source of energy, as a life-giving substance during drought, and to provide life giving drinking water for our own bodies. Our body is our vessel, and it is not surprising that medical professionals consider our bodies to be more than half made up of water. Yet our bodies are also the reservoir of our souls -- of that-of-God-within. The more we can nurture and fill our souls with the experience of connecting with the Divine, the deeper our spiritual journeys become.

Having a purpose, goals, or mission is life changing. Having that level of meaningful experience allows you to bathe in the Light. You might ask, “how can I experience the constant presence of the Divine in my ordinary life?” Search for meaning, and you will find that connection. Even having a small goal that enriches your life will connect you to your spiritual path. Can you give of yourself for someone else? Can you support the world of nature? Can you create beauty or ease hardship by conceiving something that is functional? Is something so very important to you that you are compelled to act on enriching it? Focusing on a life mission, even if it changes direction throughout your life, can fill you with the awareness of Divine presence. Living a purposeful life ignites your spiritual path.

Living in the constant presence of the Divine changes everything for you. You no longer have to meet any artificial requirements. Yours is only to discover what has always been there for you and for everyone abundantly. Accepting that constant presence as your personal experience gives you new questions to ask and new encounters to seek.

Mary Jackson

Mary lives in coastal Lewes Delaware on a duck pond which provides peaceful solace to begin every day. On any given day, she may be at the beach, riding her bike, or at the pool. Her house is full of family, guests, and of course, boyfriend Rob and dogs Pixie and Emma. Whether it's local travel to Maryland to visit family, domestic this year to Sedona AZ and Saratoga FL, or international -- last year to Africa, and this year to Portugal, Croatia, and Greece -- she is enjoying every moment.

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